Convolute Grinding Wheels
Convolute grinding wheels are made of Silicon carbide grain for fast cut rate and finest finish, also called convolute deburring wheel. They Provide best durability, stock removal, and finest finish for increased productivity.
Available in two densities
Medium Density: Comparable to competitive 8SF , Excellent starting point for general purpose deburring, blending, and weld polishing
Hard Density: Comparable to competitive 9SF products, Excellent for aggressive deburring, blending.
Convolute wheels are constructed by wrapping non-woven nylon, impregnated with abrasive grains, around a hard core to form a homogenous wheel. Dense, non-woven construction for long lasting wear and high edge durability. Non-metallic for no workpiece contamination
Smear-resistant formulation to greatly reduce the possibility of smearing.
NOTE: Wheels must be run in the direction of the arrow as indicated on the wheel.